Who We Help
Thanks to your generous support, over the last seven years we have helped hundreds of families!
Donated over $400,000 to UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital and Stanford Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital to support families facing medical crises
Paid one months rent for a family with four children, the youngest born with a heart defect. Father is a fieldworker and mother needs to stay at the bedside with the critically ill newborn. They had been threatened with eviction.
Assisted with transportation and parking expenses for a family bringing their son to the hospital daily for two months of clinical trial participation.
Paid work authorization fees for the DACA sibling of a child going through cancer treatment. The family relies on this sibling’s income contribution to make ends meet.
Paid an urgent PG&E bill for a single mother who returned home after a lengthy hospital stay for her son, to find their power had been shut off.
Helped with expenses for a young couple learning to care for their baby born with significant brain injury. Father had missed several days of work for medical appointments and they were in desperate need of food, rent, and assistance with bills.
Paid rent for single mom who had to leave her job to care full-time at the bedside for her teen with cancer facing multiple complications and transitioning to end of life.
Assisted with transportation for a single mother living in the Central Valley whose 10 year old daughter has renal failure and needs daily dialysis in San Francisco. They had been traveling by bus and train (a 16 hour round trip).
Provided a single mother with uber/lyft cards to safely visit her premature baby in the ICN. She was assaulted outside of her housing project and was not able to safely take public transportation.
Paid rent for the family of a child with significant medical needs. The father had recently been diagnosed with a brain tumor and could no longer work due to cognitive and physical impairment. The mother had to leave her job to care for the family. They were facing eviction.
Provided gas cards to multiple family members who were alternating care of a sick father at home and care of a hospitalized young adult with cancer.
Paid two months utility bill for a family who has child with cystic fibrosis and who suffered multiple respiratory infections in December and January. Though the family usually tries to conserve power, they made the difficult decision to heat their home in the winter and could not afford to pay the subsequent bill and buy groceries to feed the family.
Provided a young adult in cancer treatment with gas, grocery, and target cards to help with food, transportation, and back to school supplies for her children. They were so grateful for shoes and backpacks!
Provided funds for lodging and transportation for a kid, who after many years of treatment, had the opportunity to meet his favorite race car driver! The pictures are proof of the joy.
Provided financial support for the Family Preservation Project of the YWCA of Greater Portland, working with Coffee Creek Correctional Facility for women.
Helped cover transportation costs for children to visit their incarcerated mothers, ensuring they could maintain vital family connections.
Provided funds for mothers to purchase birthday and holiday gifts for their children, fostering a sense of continuity and emotional support during their time apart.