To the Give One Dollar a Day community,
We hope that this note finds you, and your families, healthy and safe during this unprecedented time. We are all thankfully doing well, adjusting to the sheltering - at - home life, and trying to find ways to give back to our communities where we can. The situation with COVID-19 is a true international crisis and our gratitude goes to those who continue to serve on the frontline.
As you know, Give One Dollar a Day works primarily with children and families facing illness, and thankfully, so far pediatric cases of COVID-19 are not a problem. However, the social and economic effects of the crisis are devastating to this already vulnerable population. For many of us, working remotely has been a good solution, however for our patients and families, many of whom are members of the immigrant community, special needs community, and service industry, maintaining a job is not an option, and neither is unemployment. We reached out to one of our dear social workers, and she told us that rent, bills, childcare, and food are essential and ongoing needs that our patients and families are now, more than ever, struggling to maintain.
At its inception, we dedicated Give One Dollar a Day to helping ease the financial burden for families affected by illness, poverty, and isolation; COVID-19 disproportionately affects this exact group of people. The goal of our non- profit, to provide families relief in crisis, now feels like survival in crisis. We understand that many people are feeling this economic strain right now, but humbly asking for anything you can give so we can get it into the hands of families who need it most.
You may donate via DONATE link here on our website or send us a check to address listed.
Please be on the look out for more from communication from us in the future. We are currently looking at expanding our fundraising efforts (including some creative efforts embracing social distancing!), establishing a greater social media presence to share our stories, and bringing more people on board to help manage the increasing number of applications we were receiving prior to the pandemic.
But for now, our focus is on doing everything we can to help meet the growing needs of this already vulnerable population, now additionally affected by COVID-19. Anything donated will go directly to families, your support is greatly appreciated.
Please stay safe, healthy, and take care of one another (from a distance).
With our sincere thanks,
Brie, Amy, and Shauna